WooCommerce 1.4 is released

We couldn’t wait any longer for our usual Thursday drop, especially seeing we’ve been quiet on  the WooCommerce front the last few weeks with Mike and Jay coding up an absolute storm in their bunker in the UK! With that said we are HUGELY excited about today’s release of WooCommerce 1.4!

Version 1.4 is perhaps not a massively exciting release for the end-user, but for developers it’s a biggy. We’ve re-written large chunks of code, made all round refinements to the plugin for our plans going forward, and optimised performance levels. Of course we’ve added some more bells and whistles too, but a lot of the changes are under the hood.

Important note: Version 1.4 of WooCommerce requires WordPress 3.3+, as well as updates to various WooCommerce extensions, shipping methods, and themes (for compatibility reasons). If you see an update available for your product please update accordingly, otherwise small modules of your shop might not work. As always, we also recommend you backup your site.

New Functionality

  • Support for multiple and stacked (compound) taxes
  • Multiple taxes shown in order total tables
Compound taxes can now be added and are worked out on the fly on checkout.
  • Option to re-order shipping methods
  • Category widget improvements – ‘order by option’ and an option to show current children only
  • Added local pickup and local delivery shipping methods (thanks Patrick Garman)
  • International shipping method (based on flat rate)
  • Locale options for country address formatting and checkout fields
  • Random products widget, thanks to Geert De Deckere

Front-end + Theming Optimizations

For designers and developers using WooCommerce you’ll find 1.4 specifically useful for a number of reasons:

  • Improved default theme
  • Moved many shortcodes (contents) to template files for easier customisation
  • Added a simple, basic method of adding woocommerce support to themes using a woocommerce.php file based on page.php containing woocommerce_content()
  • Coupon entry form on checkout (optional)
  • If there is limited stock, quantity input plus button won’t go higher
  • ‘Chosen’ selects for country/state select inputs (optional) – a great script for improving usability
UI improvements with select boxes.

Backend + Integration

  • Admin interface improvements
The product data has had a clean up and is now presented in neat tabs.
  • Piwik tracking – requires http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-piwik/
  • Option to ‘Delete all variations’
  • Tweaked visibility settings and made them more clear
  • Added address meta to users panel
  • Added address data to edit users screen
  • Enabled product custom fields panel

Geek stuff

If you choose to not read any of the below, read this – we’ve made many minor fixes and improvements.

  • Renamed custom fields for product data – upgrade script will run when upgrading. Some themes may be affected if using ‘featured’ – it is now ‘_featured’
  • Change textdomain from woothemes to woocommerce
  • Shipping method classes/api changed to make rate definition simpler – shipping methods will need updating to stay compatible
  • Improved roles and capabilities for WooCommerce pages – more caps added for easier configuration
  • Rewritten parts + re-organised files for increased performance and decreased memory usage
  • Reworked checkout fields to make them easier to extend
  • paying_customer user meta when order is complete
  • Moved template function contents to template files
  • Made ‘product’ global, and auto filled when calling the_post – also remove this from the hooks. Certain themes may need to be updated.
  • Filters for customer email attachments

More payment gateway extensions

Last, but certainly not least we have 2 more payment gateway extensions available as of today, with some big extensions in the pipeline nearly ready.


MercadoPagoThe MercadoPago gateway plugin allows to offer your clients any payment method supported by MercadoPago, including credit card, Pago Fácil / Rapipago and much more. MercadoPago is the payment gateway behind MercadoLibre, the largest e-commerce provider in Latin America.

Find out more about this extension

Moneris Gateway

Moneris processes more than 3 billion credit and debit card transactions a year, for over 350,000 merchant locations across North America.

Moneris is primarily used by Canadian merchants looking to accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and AMEX through a wide variety of options.

Find out more about this extension
Visit the Woo Marketplace for all the tools you need.
Mark Forrester Avatar



  1. Peter Ricci
    February 1, 2012

    How does the re-order shipping work, does this means people can choose which product they want to re-order and have this automatically shipped each month?

    • mike
      February 1, 2012

      re-order as in change the order shipping methods are displayed 😉

  2. Bowe
    February 1, 2012

    Congratulations team! That are some huge improvements for the WooCommerce Developer Geeks among us! The stuff I love the most is moving a lot of theme related code directly into the templates.. The 1.3 templates were extremely clean, but required you to mess around with filters/actions and all the stuff a theme developer is less fond about. Good to read that has been addressed!

    The memory and performance improvements are awesome as well, and very good to see those issues being tackled based on that plugin memory comparison article (can’t find it anymore :-().

    Very glad that we’ve built our shop on WooCommerce after reading all of this!

  3. Andy
    February 1, 2012

    Looks great guys. Will be diving into it later to have a play!

  4. Phil
    February 1, 2012

    Ho do I download 1.4?

    • Mark Forrester
      February 1, 2012

      From your plugins page in your WP backend if you already have WooCommerce installed and want to update, otherwise if a new user: woocommerce.com/woocommerce or http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/woocommerce/ 🙂

  5. Garrett
    February 1, 2012

    Looks great! Have all these changes been made to test.woocommerce.com ecommerce themes? I’d love to test out.

    • Ryan Ray
      February 1, 2012

      They should be soon, if not let us know we’ll go over and update.

  6. Patrick Garman
    February 1, 2012

    For those who have my local pickup or local delivery plugins installed — please deactivate these before upgrading. They have been added to the core WooCommerce install, so there is no more need for these and it will cause a nice error (like it just did on a live site of mine that I forgot to remove it from).

    • DeepTitanic
      February 1, 2012

      Thanks again for this work Patrick!

  7. Martin
    February 1, 2012

    indeed – i was a bit in panic cause of that white page…

  8. Kreativ Theme
    February 1, 2012

    Congrats on the new WooCommerce release … code optimizations are always followed by performance improvements … and this is always nice 🙂

  9. Steve Mindsix
    February 1, 2012

    Good work!!

    We need more sexy themes for WooCommerce too 😉

    • Ryan Ray
      February 1, 2012

      There’s a pretty hott one in the works, at least I think so. 😉

  10. Cristian
    February 1, 2012

    Question though: I’ve seen that some themes have been updated (ex: Argentum), and not others (ex: Buro Commerce). Does this mean that those not updated will not work with this new WooCommerce version? Or that they will not leverage its new features & optimizations?

    • James Koster
      February 2, 2012

      All the child themes should work just fine. The main WooCommerce parent themes (Argentum, WooStore etc) needed updating as they have custom queries etc on their homepages.

  11. Brandon
    February 1, 2012

    Thank you so much for making multi page gravity forms work. I made a test product and everything is working perfectly.

    Once I get the site up, I will submit it as a case study.

    You guys rock!

    • Ryan Ray
      February 1, 2012

      Awesome, can’t wait to have a case study on it! We’re ready for it!

    • allmyhoney
      February 2, 2012

      cant wait to test this out 🙂

      • allmyhoney
        February 5, 2012

        its not working on wordpress multi-site

        • Patrick Garman
          February 5, 2012

          Can you explain the issue? Multisite works just fine on my end.

          http://www.thecookiechef.com –> runs off multisite

  12. phil
    February 1, 2012

    Thanks chaps – you’re doing amazing work… keep it up!


  13. mooter
    February 1, 2012

    My client decided to update today without reading the warnings or making a backup, now the site is ruined! The shipping-table-rates extension no longer works on 1.4 and the cart on the front end is broken (visually) too.

    How do I get a copy of the last version to see if I can roll things back?

    I went way back to 1.1.3 or something and while this fixed the shipping table/visual problems, it left all products as “hidden” and they all lost their pricing and weights.

    Not the evening I had planned and I’m not very impresed by this update at all. Any help to get back to where we were a couple of hours ago will be much appreciated!


    • Patrick Garman
      February 1, 2012

      — then choose your version.

      I know all the extensions were 1.4 tested — is that updated to latest version as well? are you on a Woo Theme? or another one.

    • Ryan Ray
      February 1, 2012

      Always have backups of your site before upgrading anything, rule number one of WordPress upgrades. 😉

      Everything should be ready for 1.4 though, just be sure your WordPress version is up to date as well as all extensions.

  14. Maya
    February 1, 2012

    Looks great! How do we get featured products back?

    • Patrick Garman
      February 1, 2012

      I know on my end I had to go in and update each of my products (go to edit and just click update, no changes) because my transients were stuck — may need to do that? My theme was old (1.0 wootique) and updating to latest brought back the featured.

    • Maya
      February 1, 2012

      figured it out if anyone else needs it… In your theme index.php file, change the meta_key from “featured” to “_featured”

      • Ryan Ray
        February 1, 2012

        Should be fixed in the latest version of the theme as well, were you running into this on the latest version?

        • Maya
          February 2, 2012

          I am running 1.1.5 (almost the latest) 🙂

          • Maya
            February 2, 2012

            Is there anything else besides “_featured” that needs updating for Wootique from 1.1.5 to 1.4 ?

  15. mooter
    February 1, 2012

    @Patrick – thanks!

    I just tried but no luck, still no product prices or weights. They are there if I update to 1.4 again so the information is in the database, I’m guessing the tables have changed in 1.4.

    I’m now trying older versions in the hope one works, I’m not sure what version she was using before she updated to 1.4 though so it’s a bit hit and hope, especially if the tables have changed for good.

    My client is now learning what a backup is.

    I’m now wasting my evening trying to fix it for her! I’m no expert though… any further thoughts or insights greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.


    • Patrick Garman
      February 1, 2012

      By broke, what do you mean?

      Outside of theme issues, did projects just disappear on front end? or what kinds of issues did you have?

      • Patrick Garman
        February 1, 2012

        Sorry… products … not projects. TOO MANY THOUGHTS

  16. mooter
    February 1, 2012

    I’m running WooStore 1.0.3 and you can see the site at pennydreadfulvintage.com – it’s back to 1.4 so people can see the issues.

    I tried a few older versions but the problem persists – pricing and weights only present with 1.4, shipping table in backend “disappears” and the cart button is broken on the front-end; all pricing/weights disappear with any other version I try, although other versions fix the cart and shipping table issue.

    So, do I want a site that has a broken cart button, no featured products, but has prices and weights; or do I want a site that works as it should, but with all products hidden and no weights or prices for them anyway?

    /frustrated beyond belief

    Unfortunately my skills are rudimentary to say the least. Hopefully a fix can be found soon because right now my customer is losing money.

    • Magnus
      February 1, 2012


      If you post in our support forum I’m sure Mike can assist you with all of this.

      Remember to update both your theme to latest version as well.

    • Ryan Ray
      February 1, 2012

      Is everything up to date? Theme, extensions, etc…?

      Pop our forums so a ninja can help! – http://woocommerce.com/support-forum/

    • Charlie
      February 2, 2012

      Have you cleared your cache? I had a site with a similar issue until cache was cleared

  17. mooter
    February 1, 2012

    Should I bite the bullet and try updating the theme?! I’ve never bothered because I heartily subscribe to the “if it’s not broke don’t fix it” rule! I’m also wary of updating before I’ve tried it out in staging, for these very reasons.

    I wish my client wouldn’t mess with things to be “helpful” lol!

  18. mooter
    February 1, 2012

    And I’m not sure how a theme update will fix the backend shipping table rate issue either?

    • Patrick Garman
      February 1, 2012

      Upgrade your theme for sure, any custom CSS you should do in the Woo panel anyways on the back end so if you did do custom CSS it will stay. My wootique from 1.0.6 (or whatever it was) to 1.2 fixed all my issues. Then just clearing transients. If all products are missing try going to edit one and just clicking update, see if it appears. may need to just “edit and update” the products to clear the cache

      WooStore is 1.3 now so you’ll have plenty of other bug fixes too.

      Table rate shipping what version are you on currently?

  19. mooter
    February 1, 2012

    Table Shipping Rate is 1.4, latest.

    I just updated to WooStore 1.3 and the featured products are back, the shipping table now shows in the back end (bizarrely?!), BUT unfortunately the cart button on the front end is still rendering improperly and doesn’t look right at all.

    So I’m now on the latest version of WooStore, WooCommerce and Shipping Table Extension but one problem persists – that pesky cart button – does anyone have any ideas for a fix on this? 🙂

    Thanks for help so far, really appreciated.


  20. mooter
    February 1, 2012

    I think I might have just sorted the cart button problem..?! 😀 Caching issues I believe. Full x-browser tests to follow.

    How do I get featured products back though? They are ticked in the backend etc etc and I checked meta_key in index.php which already reads “_featured”.

    I’m not sure I understand how to unstick transients, or even what stuck transients are in the first place!

  21. mooter
    February 1, 2012

    Disabled Quick Cache which seems to have sorted out the remaining issue with Featured Products! Finally.

    So I guess WooStore 1.0.3 didn’t really like WooCommerce 1.4!

    I can go and watch the latest episode of Alcatraz now 🙂

    • Magnus
      February 1, 2012

      Glad you covered all the bases! Caching plugins can trick you some times 😉

  22. mooter
    February 1, 2012

    Spoke too soon 🙁

    Shipping simply isn’t working. Table rates are in etc, all the right options selected, but it throws up an error whenever I add something to basket and try to calculate shipping or even pay for an item. Table extensions plugin is updated to 1.4 as per last message so now I’m really stumped. Quick cache is still off and I’ve tried alternative browsers to rule out local caching.

    Anyone have any ideas how to get it working? 😀

    (still not watching Alcatraz…)


    • Ryan Ray
      February 1, 2012

      Those extensions need updated as well, that should get you rolling again.

    • Patrick Garman
      February 1, 2012

      RE: Alcatraz

      Otherwise Mike may know of something that we never thought of. Throw a post out on the forum so the ninjas can fix you up.

      Table rate v1.4 should be latest version per changelog, and it was updated for WC 1.4 compatibility.

  23. Vlad
    February 1, 2012

    Hey guys, i have found an error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function woocommerce_get_page_id() in …\wp-content\plugins\woocommerce\uninstall.php on line 24

    • mike
      February 2, 2012

      Patched in dev

      • Rolf
        February 8, 2012

        what to do if you want to uninstall and the message keeps coming up?

  24. mooter
    February 1, 2012

    The extension is updated… 1.4… I tried rolling back but that killed the cart page completely, now back to Table Shipping Rate Extension 1.4 but it’s just not working.

    Sorry, it seems that there are no available shipping methods for your location (United Kingdom).

    If you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements please contact us.

    if I try and checkout without calculating shipping it won’t let me complete the transaction and simply says

    invalid shipping method


    I have disabled the Send shipping details to Paypal link, all of the table entries are there in the back end, shipping rates by country & region is selected as default in the back end… what am I missing?

    • mike
      February 2, 2012

      After debugging this on the forum it seems it was a logic bug in table rate shipping and completely unrelated to the 1.4 update 🙂 d’oh!

  25. chm
    February 2, 2012

    great work guys.

    Is there a page that shows the features that are currently in development?

    I am in need of a more robust couponing system than the current one. For example, there’s no way to set criteria for coupon “spend over $x” or “buy 5 items”. I was hoping it would be addresses in 1.4.


  26. iografica
    February 2, 2012

    When i install woocommerce 1.4 and wootique 1.2 the featured product in the home slider disappear!

    • James Koster
      February 2, 2012

      Check your remote version of Wootique for a “front-page.php” file – it was present in an old version but should now be removed. That should fix your problem 🙂

      • iografica
        February 2, 2012

        i fixe the front-page file replacing “feautered” whit “_feautured” in the code; if i remove the file the homepage show only the static page that i have above the slider and the featured product don’t appear 🙁

        • John-Henrique
          February 2, 2012

          @ IOGRAFICA
          You need edit some product and save. This fix this problem too.


          • A.
            February 2, 2012

            Tried all of the above (btw, there was not front-page file…), have the latest WordPress updates, and tried both duplicating an existing ‘featured’ product and creating a new one, flushed cache and restarted httpd … still can’t get featured products to show in home page slider … it was working before the last update..

          • iografica
            February 2, 2012

            Nothing the only way is to fix the front-page code. If delete the front-page file the statich home page whit slider don’t work

    • Maya
      February 2, 2012

      or you can check my post above…. In your theme index.php file, change the meta_key from “featured” to “_featured”

      • A.
        February 2, 2012

        Thank you Maya! … I’d missed your earlier post and just did what you suggested — all is well now 🙂

        • Maya
          February 2, 2012

          Yay! Glad it worked for you 🙂
          Surprisingly simple, eh?

  27. mooter
    February 2, 2012


    Is the bug fixed? What do I need to do? I made mikejolley admin last night after posting in the forum but I didn’t hear anything after that? I’ll check the threads in the forum later when I get to work but at the moment I think its still broken. WooCommerce is updated to 1.4.1 but if I need to apply a fix to get my site working again just let me know what to do.



  28. mooter
    February 2, 2012

    Just saw your reply, but as you’ll see from my reply, the problem still persists! I have updated to 1.4.1 for WooCommerce and for the Table Rate extension but I still cannot calculate shipping or checkout.

    You should still have admin access if you want to poke around – I just tried in multiple browsers with no luck, it’s still broken.

    Thanks in advance!


  29. Mattias
    February 2, 2012

    Still no collapsing categories? :/

  30. Alex
    February 2, 2012

    Great work guys!!! I just seem not to find the tier pricing option which I was told would be in this update.. could you confirm?

  31. WordPress Theme
    February 2, 2012

    Great news that newer version is coming with more powerful features

  32. mooter
    February 2, 2012

    I just wanted to thank Mike and all the others who helped me with my recent issue, which I’m pleased to say was resolved very quickly – the WooTeam rocks! I love you all! 😀

  33. Javi Moreno
    February 2, 2012

    Hi there,

    Great work and I am happy about all general improvements but I must point out that I have not seen the promised tiering integration that was announced by Lucas Stark a few weeks back.

    I have took a look at his blog and it seems that finally the tiering will be a plugin. Could you confirm why and when? Woocommerce Dynamic Pricing.


    • James Koster
      February 2, 2012

      As Lucas site says it’s coming Feb 2012. It’s only the 2nd today… give us a chance!! 😛

      The aim is to get it launched next week… the wait is almost over 🙂

  34. Pasich
    February 2, 2012

    “Adding woocommerce support to themes using a woocommerce.php file” – how does it works. Could you give me a short manual how to do that correctly, please? I run Woocommerce on Buddypress Default theme – there is a bug on a Shop Page with right sidebar – it doesn’t appear.

  35. Christian
    February 2, 2012

    I don’t know if it’s a bug in the new version, but I couldn’t seem to find anything when googling.. I’ve just installed 1.4.1, and when I attempt to activate it I get this error: “Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::add_help_tab() in [directories]/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php on line 18”

    • James Koster
      February 2, 2012

      Are you running WP 3.3+?

      • Christian
        February 2, 2012

        no! that was the issue, sorry!

  36. Filipe
    February 2, 2012

    If the question is inconvenient, you guys don’t even have to approve the comment. I’d just like to know if there’s any date set to the PagSeguro payment gateway launching. I’m starting an e-commerce project here in Brasil, and this is the only thing holding it back.

    BTW, the 1.4 version is awesome, Woo Commerce is definitely THE e-commerce platform for WP!

    • John-Henrique
      February 2, 2012

      @ FILIPE
      Estamos finalizando uma versão de integração com o PagSeguro, provavelmente na próxima semana estará disponível. Aguarde mais alguns dias.


    • James Koster
      February 2, 2012

      Hey Felipe, we never delete comments, sorry if yours got lost somewhere!

      I don’t understand Portuguese but hopefully John-Henrique told you it’s coming very soon 🙂

  37. Maya
    February 2, 2012

    Do you know if the visibly setting for images has been changed from false to true in 1.4?

    @Sven said they would: http://woocommerce.com/support-forum/?viewtopic=66519#thepost306041

  38. Peter Ricci
    February 2, 2012

    This plugin severely needs two add ons

    1. Subscription Service Website
    2. Subscription Service for Re Orders of Products

    Why these are still being overlooked is beyond me, sorry, you guys do great things, but this is a weight that should be lifted from this product ASAP.

    You have enough Payment Gateways to satisfy the majority, please refocus on these issues.

    • Patrick Garman
      February 2, 2012

      The problem is WooCommerce is not designed to sell subscriptions. I completely agree with the ninjas that it should not really be in the core, but I do agree that the feature should be available.

      I am currently developing a subscription method, this will add the feature for all those who do need it. For those with gateways that support secure CC storage we’ll be able to integrate auto-billing, so far the only ones I know of are the two I’ve developed (Samurai & Braintree). Otherwise those who have subscriptions will get notified of the renewal needing to be paid for and they’ll have to login and pay manually.

      • Chris
        February 10, 2012

        When you finish it can you email me at chris at futuregencode dot com?


  39. Justin Stern
    February 3, 2012

    Love the new 1.4 release, the code is looking awesome. Did find one minor issue: I protect my WordPress admin with ssl, and WooCommerce now includes an external CSS file on the admin Dashboard (jquery-ui.css to be precise) over http regardless of the current page protocol, leading to a mixed-content warning on that page.

    • Patrick Garman
      February 3, 2012

      This has been submitted to WooCommerce, just for you! Checks for SSL, if it is on then HTTP, if not (or if the check fails) fall back nicely to HTTPS.

      Part of my latest pull request

  40. Pasich
    February 3, 2012

    I have one more question. Yesterday you helped me with theming using woocomerce.php file, everything works except Breadcrumbs. It doesn’t display on single product pages now. What is the solution to put these function back?

  41. scott
    February 3, 2012

    Right now we can’t order individual themes from your website, just the club memberships. The Green “Buy this WordPress theme” tab does not work on any of your themes.

    I want to order but can’t.

    Please respond ASAP.

    • wooteam
      February 4, 2012

      Hi there Scott.

      I have just checked and it is working, make sure the page is fully loaded otherwise the pop up will not appear after clicking.

      Failing that try clearing your cache and restarting the browser/try a different browser.

      If that still isn’t working just pop us an email at info@woocommerce.com and we can help get you sorted out. 🙂

      • Scott
        February 6, 2012

        I tried it on a few computers all with internet explorer. They didn’t work for some reason. A few of the computers had never been on your site so why it did not I am not sure. I am U.S. based if that makes any difference. I had to download Chrome to get it to work. I then ordered some themes.

        • Ryan Ray
          February 7, 2012

          What version of IE where you using?

  42. Videos Cristianos
    February 5, 2012

    good release, thanks

  43. Riaan Knoetze
    February 5, 2012

    Just a note – if you’re upgrading to 1.4, make sure you’ve got the Local Pickup plugin (previously available through the repository) disabled / deleted. There’s a declaration conflict, which will break the theme and can only be fixed through CPanel…

  44. Schoenen
    February 5, 2012

    Great, can’t wait to try the new release. Great update on Commerce!

  45. Pasich
    February 6, 2012

    After updating to woocommerce 1.4 background settings in header were reseted. The background-image in header is different on each product page and is taken form the product image.
    What’s the bug?

    • Ryan Ray
      February 7, 2012

      Please do use the forums for technical support if you can. – http://woocommerce.com/support-forum/

      • Pasich
        February 7, 2012

        I can’t post in your forum because I don’t have a membership. I don’t use your special themes.

  46. Roberto
    February 6, 2012

    I would warn them that the platform is Blog.Com providing templates for you for free for us users of Blog.Com we use also was using the template while the Big Easy!

  47. John Steel
    February 7, 2012

    I tried adding an order from the backend instead oa checkout process I get this error after I click “Calc Totals”:

    “Calculate totals based on order items, discount amount, and shipping? Note, you will need to (optionally) calculate tax rows and cart discounts manually.”

    The fields “Cart Discount”, “Total”, “Total > Order Total” are filled with “NaN”.

    Then when I click “Save Order” with a product added, the product that I added to the order isn’t saved.

    Any help would be really appreciated it.

    • Ryan Ray
      February 7, 2012

      If you are able, do use our forums for technical support. – http://woocommerce.com/support-forum/

      • John Steel
        February 7, 2012

        I can’t post in the forum until I purchase a template – but I don’t want to purchase a template until I know woo commerce works.

        Have you tried adding an order from the backend? It doesn’t work for me and I’ve tried a demo version on your site as well.

        Can you give it a quick try?

  48. Nick
    February 7, 2012

    Hey there,

    I am just about to launch my website, but have one problem. When I use the Paypal Standard payment gateway, I can do the payment fine, but I want it to automatically go back to my website afterwards instead of the purchase having to click “Return to [website name]”.

    Any advice on how to do this?


    • James Koster
      February 7, 2012

      This isn’t something we control, as it’s part of PayPals web site. There may be an option to do this in the labyrinth that is the PayPal help section, but I don’t think there is.

  49. Ryan
    February 7, 2012

    I apologize for posting here and not the support forum, but like others, I do not have access. Getting these errors on a client’s site when checking out (cart page also has the first 3 errors):

    Warning: array_map() [function.array-map]: Argument #2 should be an array in /hermes/web05/b2862/moo.ljcoffee/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/classes/class-wc-tax.php on line 524

    Warning: array_sum() [function.array-sum]: The argument should be an array in /hermes/web05/b2862/moo.ljcoffee/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/classes/class-wc-tax.php on line 524

    Warning: array_map() [function.array-map]: Argument #2 should be an array in /hermes/web05/b2862/moo.ljcoffee/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/classes/class-wc-cart.php on line 1015

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /hermes/web05/b2862/moo.ljcoffee/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/classes/class-wc-tax.php:524) in /hermes/web05/b2862/moo.ljcoffee/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 866

    Is there a fix for this?

    • Patrick Garman
      February 7, 2012

      Quick fix, disable error reporting by PHP. Long term may be something in WC

      Numbers are playing nicely together in taxes from the looks of it. The cannot modify header info, thats just from the warnings being posted. It won’t let you redirect to a new page or change header info after anything has been output

      • Ryan
        February 7, 2012

        Thanks! I disabled error reporting for right now.

    • Ryan
      February 11, 2012

      If anyone gets similar errors as above, they were due to the FedEx extension which did not automatically push an update in the Dashboard. Had to download and update manually. Make sure you are using version 1.1.

  50. Tom
    February 8, 2012

    Why does WooCommerce not have the ability to toggle OFF checkout and be ONLY a product catalog for viewing only??????

  51. Pasich
    February 9, 2012

    How can we display short description not only in the product page, but in catalogue as well? For some products image and price isn’t enough information to display in catalogue.

    • Ryan Ray
      February 25, 2012

      Try popping our forums/open WooCommerce forum with this question. I’d assume you could do this somehow. Just not positive if a hook exists or you can modify the loop.

  52. 西瓜世界
    February 9, 2012

    alipay ! china ‘ no.1 online pay tool

  53. Michael Oeser
    February 9, 2012

    I heard the text domain was changed in this version?! That means my translation will get lost in any case right? Is there a full German language file already included in this version?

    Like to update asap but need the German translation by all means.

  54. sam bean
    February 9, 2012

    Any plans to add a gateway to PayLeap? http://www.payleap.com

  55. Luka
    February 9, 2012

    Is there a plugin that recalculate from paypal unsupported currencies before sending order to paypal?

    • Ryan Ray
      February 25, 2012

      No plugin currently. 🙁

  56. Vincent
    February 9, 2012

    Does it work now with WPML for multilingual website?

  57. mc
    February 11, 2012

    I have installed the latest plugin version. Prices are including vat in the catalogue. Show total excluded VAT is NOT checked nevertheless the total in the final step when submitting the order shows the net price only. During the checkout in step two net price and vat = total are listed correctly. How can I solve this that the total in the last step is REALLY the total including VAT and not the net price?

  58. Greg
    February 12, 2012

    Hi, seems to be a bug/issue with the user Shop Manager role?

    Luckily this site is for my sister and not a big paying client!

    Since updating Woocommerce she informed me she couldn’t see the Products which have vanished from the sidebar. I logged in as her and clicked on Products in the main menu, and a ‘Cheatin’ huh’ message comes up!?

    I think a Shop manager should be able to view and edit their own products! I’ve had to set my sister as Admin so she can access this.

    p.s. I also assumed this ‘shop manager’ role would not allow users to mess with WP Pages. Surely the point would be to give access to the person handling the online store, not full editing capabilities.

    • Kevin
      March 7, 2012


      Has anyone found a resolution to the Shop Manager role issue described above? This is affecting one of my clients’ sites since upgrading Woocommerce.


      • Deep Titanic
        March 8, 2012

        Yes I had that error too!

        I had to upgrade my clients role to admin so she could continue to run the shop.

        @greg we should probably start a support query as I’m worried that this will come back to haunt me.

  59. Pasich
    February 16, 2012

    Sorry for posting here but I don’t have access to your forum. I am not sure whether it is a woocommerce plugin bug, but I get the foollowing error on the check-out page after submitting order:

    Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘_update_term_count_on_transition_post_status’ was given in /var/www/pasich/data/www/barakhol.com/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 405

  60. Josh
    February 16, 2012

    Hey, I’m keen to switch to your platform but are you planning on implementing customer groups with group specific pricing, freight options and possibly payment options (account or EFT only for some groups?)? IE retail, trade, reseller, wholesale, etc.

  61. Jason
    February 22, 2012


    i am running a test site to locate a product to role out… as such i have found you guys WOO HOO.. and really like woocommerce at present and your themes.

    in saying this i am trying out woostore and shelflife although i am experiencing major problems (well maybe not major) with the shopping car ot in the menu field that is appearing distorted / well broken and representing 3 diferring push buttons on the woostore option.

    Any help would be great as not wanting to enrol in the forums yet until i decide to proceed with woocomm as the solution.

    Woostore 1.0.9
    Shelflife 1.0.1
    Frmaework 5.2.3
    WooComm 1.4.4


  62. demos
    February 25, 2012

    i have this problem with my wordpress when i install woocommerce 1.4
    the message this is a demo store for testing purpose always showing at the top heres the link http://followoncampaign.com/
    anyone having the same issue?

    • Ryan Ray
      February 25, 2012

      I’d first make sure the demo store option is turned off.

      If it is off, make sure everything regarding WooCommerce is up to date. WooCommerce theme, extensions, etc…

      Finally you can always use the forums or open forum for help.

      • demos
        February 25, 2012

        how will i know if the demo store option is turned off? where do i find it?

        • demos
          February 25, 2012

          sorry for the 2x post.. nvm i found it

  63. Leon
    February 29, 2012

    Hi guys!

    We’ve just installed the awesome plugin and theme everything updated to the latest version. We’re experiencing two issues:

    1 – Featured products simply do not show on the slider no matter what we’ve tried on the products page. On the home screen it just does not show.

    2 – Images for products do not appear uniform.

    Can any one help before we launch the site.

    • Patrick Garman
      February 29, 2012

      What theme are you running? what version of the theme are you running? What version of the theme framework are you running? Try re-saving your theme options.

    • Ryan Ray
      February 29, 2012

      Also be sure to follow the theme docs for the theme you are using, this should help you setup featured products too.

      You need to also play with the product thumbnail settings to set them up to all crop the same.

  64. Stephen Wayne
    March 6, 2012

    Oh golly, tried to upgrade and the entire admin was unavailable, until I removed the plugin from the plugins directory. I still get this when I try to update:

    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home6/cynthii9/public_html/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php on line 1727

    I tried to post in the “public” forum but it asked me to pay for a membership which means the forum is for members not the public. Am I missing something? I am planning on purchasing some extensions if I can get this working.

    I did some research, took some advise and deleted the “upgrade” directory from wp-content. Maybe that just broke it more, no idea. I have not launched this store yet and have few product entries to keep so I’m not opposed to drastic measures. Thanks in advance!!

  65. Kevin
    March 7, 2012


    This is to repost another user’s issue that I am also having:

    Since updating Woocommerce , the “Store Manager” user role doesn’t seem to be working properly. The Products have vanished from the sidebar. I logged in as a Store Manager and clicked on Products in the main menu, and a ‘Cheatin’ huh’ message comes up!?

    Has there been any resolution to this issue?


    Kevin Johannen

    • Alan
      March 15, 2012

      I have the same problem!!! Our shipping department can’t log in using the Shop Manager USER? I am not going to give them ADMIN. Has there been a fix yet???

  66. Ryan
    March 29, 2012

    Seems the Moneris payment gateway extension link is broken… I am assuming this is way of saying its not ready…?


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